July 2019 Agenda

The Gedney Hill Parish Council Meeting will take place at Gedney Hill and District Memorial Hall on Monday 15th July 2019 at 6.30pm.

You are hereby requested to attend the Parish Council Meeting of the above Council on 15th July 2019 at 6.30pm. Your attendance is also required for the 15 minute Public Forum, this will take place at the start of the meeting and is open for the Public to ask questions or make statements.

Dominique Leedham

Clerk to Gedney Hill Parish Council

Public Forum (15 minutes)

The Agenda is as follows:

1. Apologies for absence and acceptance

2. Declarations of interests under the Localism Act 2011 and consideration of any requests for dispensation

3. To approve the draft notes of the meeting held on 20th May 2019

4. Matters arising

a. To Elect a Vice-Chairman

b. Vice-Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance

c. Clock valuation

d. Review the following

Documents, Policies and Procedures

Complaints Procedure

Data Breach Policy

Environmental Policy Statement

Privacy Notice

Publication Scheme under the FOI Act 2000

Recruitment Policy

Safeguarding Policy

Social Media Policy

Risk Assessments

Council representation on external bodies

Gedney Hill & District Memorial Hall

Gedney Hill Estate Charity

Gedney United Charities

Wryde Croft Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund Benefit

Key holders list

Bank signature mandate

Asset register

e. Sports Pavilion and Playing Field

quotes for electricity

quotes for removal of the mound/slide

update on next steps from Public Consultation

f. To adopt Financial Regulations

g. Community Speed Watch

to update on required equipment

to update on the purchase of ‘check your speed’ signs

Adoption of

Procedure for use

equipment signing in/out log

h. To set dates for the Parish Council Newsletter

5. Police matters

6. Highways matters

a. To update on the Pride Teams visit

b. To update on litter bin requests

North Road


c. To update on road markings on the junction of Lincoln Avenue, Hillgate and North Road

7. Planning

8. Family Fun Day 2019

9. To discuss concern received relating to a building plot along Hillgate

10. Clerks report

11 Financial matters

a. Account

b. VAT126

c. Audit

12. To resolve to move into closed session in accordance with Public Bodies (admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in the relation to the following matters:

a. Gedney Hill Parish Cemetery

b. letter received regarding concerns with manure

13. Date of next meeting