August 2019 Minutes - Community Speedwatch (CSW)

Gedney Hill Parish Council

Community Speed Watch (CSW) meeting report Thursday 15th August 2019 7pm


1. Welcome

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Introductions

All those in attendance had previously been introduced.

3. Discussion

All were keen for CSW to get up and running as soon as possible.

Neil Watson was appointed co-ordinator for the CSW team in Gedney Hill. The CSW team, alongside the Council would review the Procedure, equipment log and other relevant documents and present suggested amendments at the next Council meeting.

The equipment would be stored in the Sports Pavilion, access to the equipment would be granted via Cllr James, Cllr Venters and Cllr Mann. Though the handyman has keys to the Sports Pavilion authority was not given to the handyman to open the Sports Pavilion for CSW volunteers.

Clerk to

Check instructions on the handheld speed radar for charging requirements.

To advise the handyman that the CSW equipment would be stored in the Sports Pavilion.

To send Risk Assessment to the Chairman.

Send CSW procedure, equipment log and other relevant documents to Neil.

To contact Jan Whitbourn reference other volunteers in the local area.

Create and laminate an equipment list to be displayed in the Sports Pavilion.

Print and place in folder all relevant documents for CSW to be accessible in the Sports Pavilion

To notify Dave Mitchel of the CSW co-ordinators details.

Facebook posts

Regular posts for interest

Post following 1st speed watch

Email an update to interested parties

Chairman to

Amend Risk Assessment to fit Parish Council. Risk Assessment to be presented to Council for approval at the next full council meeting.

4. Summary

The Parish Council alongside the CSW co-ordinator and team to ensure CSW within the Parish of Gedney Hill to be up and running as soon as possible. All documents and procedure to be reviewed at the next Parish Council meeting.