May 2019 Minutes

Gedney Hill Parish Council



Minutes of the Gedney Hill Annual Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 20th May 2019 at the Gedney Hill and District Memorial Hall, following the Gedney Hill Annual Parish Meeting.


Councillors      K James

           J Venters

           I Coles

Also Present

                        Cllr M Seymour

                        5 members of the Public

          Miss D Leedham (Parish Clerk)

Public Forum

There were no issues raised by the public during this part of the meeting.

1. To Elect a Chairman

It was proposed, seconded and resolved for Cllr James to be elected Chairman.

2. Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance

Cllr James signed the declaration of acceptance.

3. To Elect a Vice-Chairman

Council resolved to move the election of the Vice-Chairman to be moved to the next meeting on Monday 15th July.

4. Vice-Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance

Not applicable.

5. Apologies for absence and acceptance

Cllr Paul Redgate

Winston Brown

Cllr Nigel Pepper

6. To resolve on Co-option

Council resolved to co-opt David Mann. Clerk to make arrangements for documents to be signed.

7. Declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 and consideration of any requests for dispensation


8. To approve the draft notes of the meeting held on 18th March 2019

Cllr James raised concerns with wording in section 13. Clerks report. LALC ATS request had been received, total £108, Council resolved NOT to pay amended to LALC ATS request had been received, total £108, Council declined offer. The amendment was made and initialled at the meeting, Council agreed that the draft notes from the meeting held on Monday 18th March 2019 were agreed to represent a true record of the meeting and the Chairman duly signed.

9. Matters arising

a. clock valuation

Council resolved for a second valuation to be carried out by Mr Norman and a donation to the Holy Trinity Church would be agreed after the valuation based on the work carried out.

b. IDB report

Clerk advised concerns from previous meeting had been reported, no further action could be taken by the IDB. IDB must see incident occurring to be able to action, licenses are required to dispose of water.

10. Review the following

a. Documents, Policies and Procedures:

Code of Conduct

Council reviewed and resolved to accept.

Complaints Procedure

Council reviewed and resolved to accept the content and requested the format be amended. Clerk to amend format for review at the next meeting.

Data Breach Policy

Council reviewed and resolved to remove ‘staff Pension providers’ and amend ‘ICO’ to Information Commissioners Office. Clerk to make amendments for review at the next meeting.

Data Protection Policy

Council reviewed and adopted.

Data Map

Council reviewed and adopted.

Equal Opportunities Policy Statement

Council reviewed and adopted.

Environmental Policy Statement

Council reviewed and resolved to accept the content and requested the format be amended. Clerk to amend format for review at the next meeting.

General Privacy Notice

Council reviewed and adopted.

Health and Safety Policy

Council reviewed and adopted.

Maternity Policy

Council reviewed and adopted.

Paternity Policy

Council reviewed and adopted.

Privacy Notice

Council reviewed and resolved to amend date and format. Clerk to amend date and format for review at the next meeting.

Publication Scheme under the FOI Act 2000

Council reviewed and adopted. Council also resolved to discuss and advise Clerk of format for ‘Who’s on the Parish Council and sub-committees’ for Parish Council notice board. Clerk to produce document for review at the next meeting.

Recruitment Policy

Council reviewed and resolved to accept the content and requested the format be amended. Clerk to amend format for review at the next meeting.

Risk Assessment Policy

Council reviewed and adopted.

Safeguarding Policy

Council resolved to move the review of the Safeguarding Policy to the next meeting.

Shared Parental Leave Policy

Council reviewed and adopted.

Social Media Policy

Council reviewed and adopted. Council resolved to move the election of the delegated member to the next meeting.

Standing Orders

Council reviewed and adopted.

Subject Access Request (SAR)

Council reviewed and adopted.

b. Council representation on external bodies

Gedney Hill & District Memorial Hall

Gedney Hill Estate Charity

Gedney United Charities

Wryde Croft Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund Panel

Council resolved to move the Council representation on external bodies to the next meeting with all current representation would remain until the next meeting.

c. Key holders register

Council reviewed and advised amendments were required, Council resolved to move to the next meeting. Clerk to confirm and make amendments for review at the next meeting.

d. Bank signature mandate

Council resolved to make the following amendments to the bank signature mandate and to review at the next meeting:

Add - Cllr Venters

Remove - Clerk.

e. Asset register

Council reviewed and resolved to move to the next meeting.

f. Insurance cover and quote

Clerk raised concerns over cover of IT equipment located at her office. Council resolved for Clerk to raise enquiry and contact Cllrs with amended quote for approval.

g. Electricity quotes for Sports Pavilion

Council requested additional information on KW usage for the previous year, Council resolved to move to the next meeting. Clerk to advise Council of KW usage for the previous year and request amended quotes if required.

h. Meeting dates 2019

Council resolved for meeting dates to remain as previously agreed; 15th July 2019, 16th September 2019, 18th November 2019.

11. To adopt the Financial Regulations

Cllr James advised concerns with the regulations in relation to the internal auditor were ongoing. Council resolved to move the review and adoption to the next meeting.

12. Police matters

a. report from previous meeting

The Chairman read through the following report sent through to the Council from PCSO Fylippa Bennett:

Good Afternoon

Below are the incidents reported to the police from 01st January 2019 to date:

January 2019

Drink Driver – Golf Club

Abandoned vehicle – Hillgate x2

Hare coursing – Station Road, South-Eau Bank and Common Road

February 2019

Loose Horse – Station Road

Shed Burglary – West Drove North

March 2019

Illegal Lamping- Station Road

Hare Coursing – Station Road and New Fen Drove

April 2019

Attempt theft of post box – South- Eau Bank

Males Acting Suspicious in vehicle – West Drove North

May 2019

Diesel syphoned out of a truck – North Road



b. to discuss letter

Council discussed letter from Inspector Gareth Boxall outlining that PCSO would no longer be in attendance at meetings but will continue to produce a report for Parish Council meetings.

c. to receive report

See above a. report from previous meeting.

Concerns were raised by a Parishioner over an accident at the junction of North Road, Lincoln Avenue and Hillgate, the Chairman advised this would be discussed in more detail later in the meeting.

13. Highways matters

a. update on Station Road surface concerns LCC ref: 348726

Concerns with the asset team for review. Council resolved to report concerns again. Clerk to report concerns and feedback at the next meeting.

b. update on street sweeper request SHC-806449-807367

A street sweeper had been through the main areas of the Parish on 4th April 2019.

c. grit bin request for spade/bucket

Clerk advised she had been in contact with LCC and they would not supply a spade or bucket. Council resolved not to purchase a spade or bucket at the present time.

d. update on ditch along North Road

Cllr James advised he had received an update from Cllr Redgate regarding the ditch North Road, the walls would remain as they are unless they pose any safety concerns. It is still hoped that the Pride Team would be able to clear out the bottom of the ditch. Concerns raised by a Parishioner in regards to a wall falling in, the wall would be the responsibility of the owner of either the ditch or the adjoining garden.

e. litter bin request SHC-806461

North Road


Clerk advised the requests for both were with the Waste Services Team at SHDC. The Chairman advised the handyman had been emptying the Hillgate bin which has been helping the situation.

14. Planning

The following applications were approved:

Rear of 17 Station Road – Residential development (H07-0066-19)

West Drove South - Details of Archaeological Watching Brief (Condition 7 of H07-0821-16) allowed on Appeal (H07-0272-19)

The following applications remain undecided:

Land adjacent Half Acre, West Drove North – Residential development (H07-0023-19)

Applications requiring Parish Council comments:

Plot 1, Highstock Lane – Erect 3 bed bungalow with detached kart lodge garage, means of access, hard and soft landscaping, boundary treatment and foul and storm water disposal (H07-0438-19)

Planning applications not requiring Parish Council comments:

Sec 73 Modification

West Drove South - Details of Archaeological Watching Brief (Condition 7 of H07-0821-16) allowed on Appeal (H07-0322-19)

Condition compliance (undecided from previous meeting)

West Drove South - Details of disposal of foul and surface water and scheme for construction of footway along site frontage (Conditions 5 and 6 of H07-0821-16 - allowed on appeal) (H07-0212-19)

West Drove South – Details of scheme to dispose of foul and surface water and scheme for construction of footway along site frontage (Conditions 5 and 6 of H07-0821-16 - approved on appeal) (H07-0204-19)

Sec 73 Modification (undecided from previous meeting)

Land off Highstock Lane - Residential development (up to 6 dwellings) - approved under H07-0945-17. Variation of Condition 4 to remove the gross floor area restriction (H07-0285-19)

Land South of Highstock Lane, Gedney Hill Spalding - Outline planning application for residential development - approved under H07-0059-18. Variation of Condition 4 to remove the gross floor area restriction (H07-0284-19)

Council requested Clerk to forward a copy of planning applications to Cllrs the Monday prior to the meeting.

15. To update on Anglian Waters’ first-time sewage

The Chairman informed that 480 questionnaires had been sent out by Anglian Water and only 60 had been completed and returned.

The Chairman advised new regulations were coming out in 2020 in relation to Septic Tanks.

16. Community Speed Watch;

a. update on equipment purchases

The Clerk advised that the equipment had been purchased and received, and she is currently waiting confirmation on the number of signs required.

b. update on locations

The Clerk noted she had met with the CSW team and sites had been confirmed. The site locations were passed for viewing by all attending the meeting. After discussion, Council resolved for Clerk to contact property owners near the site locations to advise them about the initiative and what to expect.

c. update on purchase of ‘check your speed’ signs

Clerk confirmed that the cheque had been raised to the value of £40 for 6 additional signs.

d. adoption of

procedure for use

equipment signing in/out log

Clerk advised she was awaiting confirmation from the CSW team before she could complete these. Clerk also noted that it would be possible to set-up a committee to deal specifically with the CSW initiative. The committee could be made up of Volunteers and a Parish Council member and the Council could determine the role/responsibilities of the committee. The Clerk advised this would allow the initiative to progress forward at a faster pace. The Parish Council member would feedback to full Council meetings.

17. Update on next steps from the Public Consultation on the use of the Playing Field

Clerk had received a query from the group as to why the Council were not proceeding with the survey whilst the group was being set-up.

The Chairman advised Council that there were safety concerns with the mound that houses the current slide. Council resolved to obtain quotes for removal of mound & clearing surrounding area to be used for obtaining funding. Clerk to obtain quotes for the next meeting.

Parishioner raised concerns with the Facebook name of the group, Clerk advised that the group was not a committee of the Council and therefore this was outside of the remit of the Council.

18. Update on the next Newsletter

The Chairman reported that the Cllr Redgate is happy to continue to format the newsletter. Council resolved for all Council members to be involved in content creation. In addition Council resolved to move date setting for release to next meeting.

19. Clerks report

a. LALC Networking day

Council reviewed and resolved not to attend.

b. South Holland IDB

Council resolved to review as part of the amending of Financial Regulations.

Clerk advised Council she required stamps and ink cartridges. Council resolved to arrange purchases.

20. Financial matters

a. VAT126

Clerk advised Council that the VAT126 would be circa £900.

b. Accounts

Business Reserve Account:               £730.90

Handy Man Wages                             £188.12

Handy Man Expenses                                    £6.88

LALC Annual Subscription                  £229.32

Cemetery refund                                £100.00

LCC (CSW signs)                               £40.00

Hall Hire                                              £193.00

Interest                                                £0.47

EON                                                    £45.03

Monies in                                          

Interest                                                £0.23

The balances for accounts up to 20th May 2019 are as follows:


Current Account:                                £9545.79

Business Reserve Account:               £1520.12


Current Account:                                £4477.87

Total Cash                                         £16274.68


Monies Out

Clerks Wages                                     £967.08

Clerk Expenses                                  £319.48

Clerk Expenses                                  £427.11

(CSW Equipment)

GHPC Total Out                                £2470.99

Monies In

Cemetery                                            £340.00

GHPC Total In                                   £340.47


Monies Out

Anglian Water                         £11.83

GHSP Total Out                                £56.86

GHSP Total In                                   £0.23

The Chairman requested a copy of the accounts to be distributed to each Council member at the start of each meeting, Clerk to produce and distribute.

21. Audit 2018-2019 - to review and complete the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR 2)

Council reviewed AGAR 2 and resolved to approve, the section was duly signed by the Chairman and the Clerk.

Clerk advised Council the internal auditors fees were £80.00. Council resolved to pay.

22. To advise of any items to be added to the next meeting agenda

The Chairman raised concerns with the junction of North Road, Lincolns Avenue and Hillgate. Concerns were raised about the faded white lines at the junction and Council urged all to report any near misses.

Council advised Clerk that a new rota for Defibrillator checks was required. Council resolved to move checks from weekly to monthly. Clerk to produce and distribute new rota.

The Chairman raised concerns regarding the paperwork for the local Family Fun Day, after discussion Council resolved for Clerk to forward completed paperwork to Cllrs and Cllrs would respond according.

23. Date of next meeting

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 15th July at 6.30pm.

Meeting closed at 8.20pm.