July 2019 Minutes

Gedney Hill Parish Council

Minutes of the Gedney Hill Annual Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 15th July 2019 at the Gedney Hill and District Memorial Hall.


Councillors      K James

                        V Venters

                        P Redgate

                        I Coles

Also Present

                        Cllr N Pepper

                        7 members of the Public

                        Miss D Leedham (Parish Clerk)

Public Forum

Parishioners raised concerns with temporary accommodation situated on a building site on Hillgate, item discussed in more detail under point 9.

Concerns were raised with the removal of poppies at the south end of North Road by the Pride Team, Clerk to feedback to Pride Team.

1. Apologies for absence and acceptance

Cllr D Mann

Cllr M Seymour

2. Declarations of interests under the Localism Act 2011 and consideration of any requests for dispensation


3. To approve the draft notes of the meeting held on 20th May 2019

Council reviewed draft notes from the meeting held on Monday 20th May 2019 and agreed the notes represented a true record of the meeting and the Chairman duly signed.

4. Matters arising

a. To Elect a Vice-Chairman

It was proposed, seconded and resolved for Cllr Redgate to be elected Vice-Chairman.

b. Vice-Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance

Cllr Redgate signed the Declaration of Acceptance.

c. Clock valuation

Council requested Clerk to arrange additional valuations.

d. Review the following

Documents, Policies and Procedures

Complaints Procedure

Council reviewed and resolved to accept.

Data Breach Policy

Council reviewed and resolved to accept.

Environmental Policy Statement

Council reviewed and resolved to accept.

Privacy Notice

Council reviewed and resolved to accept.

Publication Scheme under the FOI Act 2000

Post last meeting Council agreed to delegate task to Cllr Redgate. Cllr Redgate to forward document to Clerk for display in the notice board.

Recruitment Policy

Council reviewed and resolved to accept.

Safeguarding Policy

Council reviewed and resolved to accept the Safeguarding Policy and elected Cllr Redgate as delegated council member for the Safeguarding Policy.

Social Media Policy

Council reviewed and resolved to accept the Social Media Policy and elected Cllr Redgate as delegated council member for the Social Media Policy.

Risk Assessments

Council reviewed and resolved to accept the content and requested the format to be amended. Clerk to amend format for review at the next meeting.

Council representation on external bodies

Gedney Hill & District Memorial Hall

Council resolved for Cllr Mann to remain as Council representative. Clerk to confirm with Cllr Mann.

Gedney Hill Estate Charity

Council resolved for Cllr Venters to represent Council. Clerk to advise Gedney Hill Estate Charities clerk.

Gedney United Charities

Council resolved for Cllr Coles to remain as Council representative.

Wryde Croft Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund Benefit

Council resolved for Cllr James to remain as Council representative.

Key holders list

Council reviewed and resolved to accept. Clerk to circulate for signatures.

Bank signature mandate

Council resolved for no further amendments to be made.

Asset register

Council resolved to move to next meeting in lieu of Clock valuations.

e. Sports Pavilion and Playing Field

quotes for electricity

Council resolved to fix the electricity tariff for 1 year. Clerk to arrange.

quotes for removal of the mound/slide

Council resolved for excess soil to be dispersed under the trees at far end of the field. Council resolved for funding to be applied for through the Wryde Croft Wind Farm Grant. Clerk to advise those who quoted about soil dispersal and complete application for grant.

update on next steps from Public Consultation

Clerk advised email had been sent but no update as yet. Council discussed possibility of meeting in September. Council resolved to move to next meeting.

f. To adopt Financial Regulations

Council reviewed and resolved to adopt.

g. Community Speed Watch

to update on required equipment

Council resolved to purchase additional stand and sign. Clerk to arrange purchase and raise cheque.

to update on the purchase of ‘check your speed’ signs

Clerk advised signs had arrived and are with handyman.

Adoption of

Procedure for use

Equipment signing in/out log

Council requested a meeting with volunteers to get the initiative up and running. Council reviewed documents and resolved to review again after the first speed watch.

h. To set dates for the Parish Council Newsletter

Council resolved newsletters to be released quarterly, with the next issue to be released end of August. Details of volunteers to deliver newsletter were taken, Clerk to make contact when the latest edition of the newsletter is ready.

5. Police matters

Clerk advised Council she was unable to receive an update from local PCSO. After discussion Council resolved to contact SHDC community wardens for local update. Clerk to contact SHDC.

6. Highways matters

a. To update on the Pride Teams visit

Clerk advised the Pride Team had completed their work in the Parish and should receive their report shortly. Council asked the Clerk to enquire if it was possible for the Pride Team to complete additional works at the far end of the playing field.

Parishioner raised concerns with trees along Mole Drove. Council resolved to report concerns. Clerk to report concerns to LCC.

b. To update on litter bin requests

North Road


Clerk advised request is with the Waste Team at SHDC.

c. To update on road markings on the junction of Lincoln Avenue, Hillgate and North Road

Clerk advised the junction had been reported ref: 353498 and Station Road ref: 353499, no updates available.

Parishioner raised concerns with kerbstones outside McColl’s shop on Hillgate. Council resolved to report concerns. Clerk to report concerns.

7. Planning

The following applications were approved:

Land off Highstock Lane - Residential development (up to 6 dwellings) - approved under H07-0945-17. Variation of Condition 4 to remove the gross floor area restriction (H07-0285-19)

Land South of Highstock Lane, Gedney Hill Spalding - Outline planning application for residential development - approved under H07-0059-18. Variation of Condition 4 to remove the gross floor area restriction (H07-0284-19)

West Drove South - Details of Archaeological Watching Brief (Condition 7 of H07-0821-16) allowed on Appeal (H07-0322-19)

Plot 1, Highstock Lane – Erect 3 bed bungalow with detached kart lodge garage, means of access, hard and soft landscaping, boundary treatment and foul and storm water disposal (H07-0438-19)

The following applications remain undecided:

Land adjacent Half Acre, West Drove North – Residential development (H07-0023-19, Appeal 1141)

The following applications were withdrawn:

Plot 2, West Drove South – Erection of detached dwelling -resubmission of H07-1136-18 – Outline approval H07-0821-16 – allowed on appeal (H07-0547-19)

Condition compliance (undecided from previous meeting)

West Drove South - Details of disposal of foul and surface water and scheme for construction of footway along site frontage (Conditions 5 and 6 of H07-0821-16 - allowed on appeal) (H07-0212-19)

West Drove South – Details of scheme to dispose of foul and surface water and scheme for construction of footway along site frontage (Conditions 5 and 6 of H07-0821-16 - approved on appeal) (H07-0204-19)

NB - H07-0601-19 - 19A Station Road, Gedney Hill, Spalding, PE12 0NP - Conversion and extension of double garage to form annex is currently on hold and SHDC will advise when/if commenting is required.

H19-0555-19 – Threeways, Luttongate, Gedney Hill, PE12 0QH - Proposed new ménage and stable block – is Sutton St Edmunds Parish Council and not GHPC.

8. Family Fun Day 2019

Cllr Pepper noted it was a very good day. Council agreed and no concerns had been reported. A member of the Gedney Hill Community Group thanked the Council for opening the Pavilion the day before the event.

9. To discuss concern received relating to a building plot along Hillgate

Parishioners raised concerns with a temporary accommodation situated at a building plot on Hillgate. Cllr James advised he had spoken with SHDC and the current temporary accommodation adhered planning consent limitations.

In addition concerns were raised with overgrown gardens/land along Hillgate and Highstock Lane Cllr James reported he had notified SHDC of concerns with overgrown gardens/land along Hillgate and Highstock Lane and SHDC would be issuing letters.

10. Clerks report

Clerk advised LALC log in details were available to all Council members. Council resolved to discuss and advise Clerk at a later date.

11. Financial matters

a. Account

The balances for accounts up to 15th July 2019 are as follows:


Current Account:                                £6744.10

Business Reserve Account:               £1520.61


Current Account:                                £4432.84

Business Reserve Account:               £731.13

Total Cash                                         £13428.68


Monies Out

Clerks Wages                                     £322.36

Clerk Expenses                                  £68.92

Handy Man Wages                             £94.42

The Broker Network                           £1198.58


Cllr Expenses (Clock)                         £30.00

GHPC Total Out                                £1714.28

Monies In

Interest                                                £0.49

GHPC Total In                                   £0.49


Monies Out

GHSP Total Out                                £0

Monies in

Family Fun Day                                  £50.00                                    

Interest                                                £0.23

GHSP Total In                                   £50.23

Council requested Clerk to advise details of Sports Pavilion sinking fund.

b. VAT126

Clerk advised VAT126 totalled £909.05.

c. Audit

Clerk advised the Exemption Certificate had been submitted and the Public Rights had been published online.

12. To resolve to move into closed session in accordance with Public Bodies (admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in the relation to the following matters:

Council resolved to go into closed session.

a. Gedney Hill Parish Cemetery

Council resolved to make amendments to the Cemetery Rules and Regulations. Clerk to make amendments and forward to Council.

Council resolved to pay £25.00 to the British Heart Foundation. Clerk to raise cheque.

Council resolved to engage Assured Environmental Services (AES) to assist with Mole concerns in the Cemetery. Clerk to contact AES.

b. Letter received regarding concerns with manure

Clerk advised the matter had been passed to Gedney Hill Estate Charity.

13. Date of next meeting

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 16th September 6.30pm.