July 2020 Minutes

Gedney Hill Parish Council

Minutes of the Gedney Hill Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 20th July 2020 via Zoom.


Councillors            P Redgate (Chairman)

                              K James

                              D Mann

Also present       Cllr N Pepper

                              1 member of the Public

1 member of the Press

                              Miss D Leedham (Parish Clerk)


Miss D Leedham (Parish Clerk)

Chairman’s welcome

The Chairman welcomed all to the first virtual meeting of Gedney Hill Parish Council.

Public Forum

Resident raised concerns with overgrown vegetation on building plots along Highstock Lane. Cllr James advised Cllr Coles has already raised the concern with the agents, clerk to liaise with Cllr Coles.

1. Apologies for absence and acceptance

Cllr I Coles

Cllr J Venters

2. Declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 and consideration of any requests for dispensation


3. To approve the draft notes of the meeting held on 16th March 2020

Council reviewed the draft notes from the meeting held on 16th March 2020, Cllr James requested an amendment to point 4.a.i.1. To approve the latest version of the Risk Assessment from Cllr James advised he was not happy to sign the document off, no further discussions occurred, to Cllr James advised the document was not fit for purpose. Council agreed the notes represented a true record of the meeting, the Chairman duly signed.

4. Covid-19 Parish Council response

a. To receive report from Cllr Redgate and Parish Clerk

The Chairman asked all to be vigilant and follow all government guidance. The Chairman thanked all residents for all their work in adhering to guidance and working together as a community in conjunction with Parish Councils response. He thanked the Knights Templar for their food donations, all the volunteers for giving their time to help those in need; making calls, distributing food, arranging food vans into the village. He continued by thanking the Council and the Parish Clerk for all her work setting-up and co-ordinating.

The Parish Clerk advised the Parish Council secured £200 grant to cover the cost of food for the most vulnerable. She thanked the family supplying the eggs free of charge to the vulnerable in the village and the Chairman for his work involving collecting/delivering food, picking up prescriptions sometimes with little notice.

Cllr Mann noted the effort has extremely useful to the village and a pat on the back was well deserved for all involved.

5. Insurance cover and quote

The Clerk advised the Insurance cover had been agreed by email/telephone to the sum of £1557.44. The Chairman noted the insurance increased due to the increased valuation of the Clock, the 2021/22 budget would be adjusted to reflect the change.

6. Meeting dates 2020/21

Council agreed to the following meeting dates, all to be held virtually and subject to current Government guidance:

21st September 2020

16th November 2020

18th January 2021

15th March 2021

17th May 2021 – Annual Parish Council Meeting & Annual Parish meeting

7. Police report

The Clerk advised the Police had request all members to be vigilant and report any concerns. Cllr Redgate raised the concerns with fires in the area, the Clerk noted that if a fire is occurring residents should call the Police on 999 and contact them on 101 with any relevant information.

8. Planning

a. To discuss current planning applications

Clerk read through the following:

The following applications were approved:

West Drove South, Gedney Hill, PE12 0PN – Residential development – Erection of Dwelling (H07-0281-20)

West Drove South, Gedney Hill – Erection of detached house and garage (H07-0249-20)

West Drove South, Gedney Hill, PE12 0PN – Change of use of barn to residential (H07-0244-20)

Adjacent 22 Station Road, Gedney Hill, PE12 0NP – Erection of detached dwelling resubmission of H07-1155-19 (H07-0222-20)

Millfield Nurseries, Mill Lane, Gedney Hill, PE12 0PW – residential development, 2 plots (H07-0177-20)

1 Sycamore View, Gedney Hill, PE12 0NQ – Conversion of garage to residential – re-submission of H07-0885-19 (H07-0068-20)

84 Highstock Lane, Gedney Hill, PE12 0QQ – Single storey extension to front comprising shower room and lobby (H07-0049-20)

32 Hillgate, Gedney Hill, PE12 0NN – Erection of double garage/store/shed – dwelling approved under H07-1162-17 (H07-1040-19)

19a Station Road, Gedney Hill, PE12 0NP – Conversion and extension of double garage to form annex (H07-0601-19).

The following applications are undecided:

20 Lincolns Avenue, Gedney Hill, PE12 0PJ – Proposed vehicular access (H07-0476-20)

Plot 2, Land South of Highstock Lane, Gedney Hill – Erection of detached dwelling (plot 2) Outline approval H07-0059-18 (H07-0324-20)

Northolme, 170 North Road, Gedney Hill, PE12 0NX – To storey rear extension forming indoor swimming pool with games room/gymnasium above (H07-0308-20)

The following applications require comments:

Monkwise Golf Club, West Drove North, Gedney Hill, PE12 0NT – Proposed extension to golf clubhouse facility (H07-0497-20)

Condition compliance approved:

Off Highstock Lane, Gedney Hill, PE12 0QG – Details of drainage system (Condition 3 of H07-0015-20) (H07-0365-20)

Bowlers Rest, 50 Mole Drove, Gedney Hill, PE12 0PA – Replacement dwelling approved under H07-0948-15. Modification of Condition 11 to allow cream woodgrain uPVC windows/doors in lieu of timber (H07-0347-20)

West Drove South, Gedney Hill, PE12 0PN – Residential development – approved under H07-0817-19. Amendment to change windows from cream to grey uPVC (H07-0251-20)

Off Highstock Lane, Gedney Hill, PE12 0QG – Erection of 9 dwellings with associated access – approved under H07-1178-18. Modification of Condition 2 to allow amendments to previously approved plans (H07-0015-20)

Condition compliance undecided:

West Drove South, Gedney Hill, PE12 0PN – Details relating to contamination (Condition 4 of H07-0244-20) (H07-0571-20)

West Drove South, Gedney Hill, PE12 0PN – Details relating to archaeological monitoring & recording report (Condition 6 of H07-0281-20) (H07-0567-20)

West Drove South, Gedney Hill, PE12 0PN – Details of external materials (Condition 3 of H07-0281-20) (H07-0491-20)

Plot 4, West Drove South, Gedney Hill, PE12 0PN – Details relating to archaeological monitoring & recording report (Condition 8 of H07-0622-17) (H07-0482-20)

Plot 5, West Drove South, Gedney Hill, PE12 0PN – Details relating to archaeological monitoring & recording report (Condition 5 of H07-0249-20) (H07-0483-20)

9. Community Speed Watch

a. To discuss ‘Covid-19 safe’ measures for the restart of CSW

The Chairman advised new measures were to be put in place ensuring social distancing is observed at all times, regular cleaning of equipment and the group to form a ‘bubble’. The CSW co-ordinator noted 5 members were available to carry out speedwatch activities.

b. To discuss request for additional HiVis

Council discussed and agreed for the CSW co-ordinator to liaise with the Clerk regarding the purchase of a CSW HiVis. Council agreed to discuss and purchase any additional HiVis’s by email/telephone as requested.

Cllr James noted he had not received the discussed written procedures, the Chairman advised they were in the process and would be forwarded to Council shortly. Council agreed to review and agree by email/telephone.

Council agreed to resume CSW after 1st August.

10. Sports Pavilion/Playing Field

a. To update on

Mound removal

The Chairman noted the mound had been removed however, residents’ had raised concerns with the amount of debris remaining and the seeding being patchy in some areas. Council agreed for Clerk to arrange a meeting with the contractor.

Council thanked Cllr Mann for mowing the playing field.

Installation of additional CCTV

Cllr James and the Clerk advised that the additional CCTV cameras were to be installed on 4th August.

To discuss electrical supplier quotes

Cllr James enquired why all the quotes were with EON, Council for Clerk to look into alternative suppliers. Council agreed to review & agree by email/telephone.

To discuss alternative uses

Prior to the meeting the Council had discussed alternative uses for the Sports Pavilion. The Chairman put forward the suggestion of changing the usage/layout of the Pavilion to a small meeting room with the use of the playing field and a small playing area for children. Council agreed. Cllr James to forward building quotes to the Clerk. Clerk to complete grant application.

Cllr Mann raised concerns with crossover of business with the Gedney Hill & District Memorial Hall, Cllr James & the Chairman advised it was to compliment and not crossover.

1 member of the Public left the meeting.

11. Clerks report

The Clerk advised the main focus area of work was the COVID-19 response.

12. Financial matters

a. VAT126

The Clerk advised the VAT126 totalled £428.51 and this would be submitted soon.

b. Accounts

The Clerk read through the following:

Account balances (account balances as of 19th June 2020)



Current account



Business reserve




Current account


Business reserve



Monies in



Interest (business reserve)




Payment for supplies (Covid-19 support bank transfer only) April




Payment for supplies (Covid-19 support bank transfer only) May


Payment for supplies (Covid-19 support bank transfer only) June (up to 19.06.2020)




Interest (business reserve)





Accounts for payment




 Chq No. 









D Leedham

1064 1066 1067 1068




The Broker Network (Insurance)





P Redgate (expenses)

1069 1070












Chq No. 















Council discussed and agreed for Clerk to contact GHCG re: Pavilion hire payment.

Cllr James queried the COVID-19 expenses, the clerk advised Council had received the breakdown of individual payments without personal data, this was part of the cheques for signing correspondence. Cllr James requested the Clerk to resend the email.

Council agreed for the cheques to be paid in after the 1st August. Council agreed to post cheques to the bank if a future lockdown was to occur.

13. Audit  2019-2020 - to review and complete the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR 2)

Clerk advised Council had received the Audit documents, Council agreed to sign audit paperwork post meeting. Clerk and Chairman to make arrangements.

14. To advise of any items to be added to the next meeting agenda

The Chairman asked for concerns relating to several roads melting in the heat to be added the agenda. The Chairman advised Council were aware of the concerns and it had been reported to LCC Highways. Cllr Pepper noted the enquiry was being dealt with and LCC Highways were aware, and Highways were discussing with the contractor to plane out the surface cores, Cllr Pepper advised he would forward email onto the Chairman and the Clerk. Clerk to forward to full Council.

The Chairman raised concerns with speeding as lockdown was being lifted. Concerns had been raised to him of coming of the road due to bends on Lincoln Avenue and the poor road surface. The Chairman asked if Cllr Pepper could raise concerns with LCC Highways.

The Chairman noted concerns had been received regarding speeding along North Road, the Chairman enquired if Cllr Pepper could raise concerns with LCC Highways.

Council to review the charging speedwatch sign.

The Chairman noted the handyman was returning to work and it would be phased over a few weeks/months.

15. Date of next meeting

The next Parish Council meeting is on Monday 21st September 2020, 6.30pm via Zoom.