January 2020 Minutes

Gedney Hill Parish Council

Minutes of the Gedney Hill Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 20th January 2020 at the Gedney Hill and District Memorial Hall.


Councillors            P Redgate (Chairman)

                              K James

                              D Mann

                              J Venters

                              I Coles

Also present       Cllr M Seymour

                              9 members of the Public

                              Miss D Leedham (Parish Clerk)


Miss D Leedham (Parish Clerk)             

Public Forum

Parishioner thanked volunteers for carrying out speed watch activities and litter picks within the Parish.

Parishioners raised concerns with several buildings in the Parish. Discussions ensued in relation to running of a business, parking concerns, building works and dilapidation. Though many of the concerns are outside the remit of the Parish Council, the Council resolved to contact owners to raise concerns and report parking concerns to LCC. Clerk to make contact with owners and LCC.

1. Apologies for absence and acceptance

Cllr N Pepper

2. Declarations of interests under the Localism Act 2011 and consideration of any requests for dispensation


3. To approve the draft notes of the meeting held on 18th November 2019

Council reviewed draft notes from the meeting held on Monday 18th November and agreed the notes represented a true record of the meeting, the Chairman duly signed.

4. Matters arising

a. Review the following

Documents, Policies and Procedures

To approve the latest version of the Risk Assessment

Clerk confirmed the Risk Assessment document was ongoing and confirmed with Council that it would be updated to the 2019/2020 version for the next meeting.

5. Police matters

The Chairman advised that the Clerk had not received an update from the local Policing Team but was aware that another fire had occurred on Luttongate and asked that persons in the area remain vigilant as the fires are deemed as ongoing arson.

6. Highways matters

a. To update on the requested additional Pride Team visit

The Chairman and Clerk confirmed to Council that the Pride Team are no longer cutting hedges, trees or bushes. After discussion, Council resolved to carry out the cutting back of brambles/hedges on the playing field themselves, works to be carried out towards the end of April, exact date to be confirmed at the next meeting.  Council requested the Clerk to ask the Pride Team to carry out clearing works to the public footpath off Hillgate leading to the Church and Parish Council Cemeteries.

b. To update on litter bin Hillgate

The Chairman confirmed to Council that the request remained with the contractors. Council resolved for Clerk to continue to chase.

c. To update on request 357629 to move the road markings outside the school to better reflect the current school entrance

Chairman updated Council that the original request had been closed on 4th November by the surface dressing team as completed and the Clerk had requested the case be reopened and it was to be reassessed. Council resolved for Clerk to continue to chase.

d. To update on resubmitted request 353544

Chairman updated Council, advising that the original request remained open and the Clerk had raised safety concerns. Further concerns were raised by Council as kerbstones have floated in heavy rain. Council resolved for Clerk to report additional information and continue to chase.

Concerns were raised in reference to overfilled gullies, Council resolved for Clerk to report and chase as appropriate.

e. To discuss concerns with ‘cats eyes’ on Lincoln Avenue

Chairman confirmed that concerns had been raised with LCC Highways department under reference 4142323. Additional concerns were raised with ‘cats eyes’ casings being raised approximately 1 ½ inches above the road level and similar concerns along Hillgate. Council resolved for Clerk to report additional concerns and continue to chase.

f. To discuss email from Senior Highway Officer reference retread work on West Drove North

The Chairman briefly outlined the letter and thanked the LCC Senior Highway Officer for taking the time to approach the Council. After discussion the Council resolved for the Highways department to contact those concerned directly as it would not be possible for the Council to obtain all of the information required. Clerk to respond to email as per councils decision.

g. To discuss a proposed meeting with Senior Highway Officer

In addition, the Chairman advised council that the Senior Highways Officer had agreed to meet to discuss local Highways concerns. Council resolved to meet with the Senior Highways Officer in early March to allow sufficient time for the Council to receive concerns from local residents. Council asked Clerk to circulate request on the notice board and Facebook. Clerk to make arrangements with Senior Highway Officer for the meeting.

Parishioner advised of broken drain along Highstock Lane to be added to the concerns list.

A Parishioner enquired regarding the planters from the previous meeting, Clerk advised that the information would be with the parishioner shortly and apologised for the delay which was due to current workload.

Cllr James requested an update on the removal of the mound and the grant received. Clerk advised the request for works to be completed had been passed to the successful parties. The Clerk also advised she had spoken with the grant team earlier in the day and everything was ok.

7. Planning

a. To discuss current planning applications

The Chairman read through the following planning application information:

The following applications were approved:

Rear: 17 Station Road, Gedney Hill, PE12 0NP – Residential development (re-application of H07-0066-19) (H07-0960-19).

Plot 2, West Drove South, Gedney Hill, PE12 6NL – Erection of detached dwelling (Plot 2) – Outline approval H07-0622-17 (H07-0945-19).

Land east of: Hillgate, Gedney Hill, PE12 0NN – Erection of two single-storey detached dwellings and garages (H07-0922-19).

The following applications were refused:

1 Sycamore View, Gedney Hill, PE12 0NQ – Garage conversion to residential (H07-0885-19).

Greenways, 26 West Drove North, Gedney Hill, PE12 0PL – Proposed dwelling (H07-0845-19).

The following appeal was dismissed:

Land adjacent Half Acre, West Drove North – Residential development (H07-0023-19, Appeal 1141)

The following applications are undecided:

Off West drove South, Gedney Hill, PE12 0PN – Residential development (H07-1213-19).

Adjacent 22 Station Road, Gedney Hill, PE12 0NP – Erection of detached dwelling (H07-1155-19). Cllr Seymour advised the application had been to the Planning Committee at SHDC for review and information relating to the decision should be with the Parish Council shortly.

Off Highstock Lane, Gedney Hill, PE12 0QG – Residential development, erection of 3 dwellings (amendments to H07-1178-18)

Hillside, 41 Station Road, Gedney Hill, PE12 0NP – Proposed fishing lake for private use (H07-1022-19).

19a Station Road, Gedney Hill, PE12 0NP – Conversion and extension of double garage to form annex (H07-0601-19).

The following applications require comments:

Off Highstock Lane, Gedney Hill, PE12 0QG - erection of 9 dwellings with associated access – approved under H07-1178-18, modification of condition 2 to allow amendments to previously approved plans (H07-0015-20).

The Barn, West Drove North, Gedney Hill, PE12 0PL - Proposed Barn Conversion (H07-1217-19).

Council to pass comments to Clerk as soon as possible.

Condition compliance approved

Plot 2, West Drove South, Gedney Hill, PE12 0QG, details of Contamination Report and Archaeology Report (Conditions 5 & 6 H07-0662-17), (H07-0002-20).

Adjacent 7 Station Road, Gedney Hill, PE12 0NP, details of soakaway system for disposal of surface water (condition 5 of H07-0815-19) (H07-1205-19).

Off Highstock Lane, Gedney Hill, PE12 0QG – details of external material, contamination, landscaping, boundary treatment and foul water disposal (Conditions 3, 5, 6, 7and 9 of H07-1178-18)

Land south: 10 North Road (Plot 4), Gedney Hill, Spalding, PE12 0NL – Details of fouls and surface water discharge (Plot 4 only) (Conditions 7 and 8 of H07-0786-17) (H07-1060-19)

Condition compliance undecided:

West Drove South, Gedney Hill, PE12 OPN – Details of final Archaeological Report (Condition 6 of H07-0817-19).

West Drove South, Gedney Hill, PE12 0PN – Percolation details (Condition 4 of H07-0817-19) (H07-1103-19)

8. To receive a report on Community Speed Watch (CSW) activity

The Chairman thanked all those involved with the Gedney Hill Speed watch group, furthermore he noted that the Council had approached the area co-ordinator to look into the possibility of training on a Saturday morning. Council resolved for Clerk to contact area co-ordinator and make arrangements for a Saturday morning training session.

In Novembers meeting the Council requested for the Clerk to enquire with the area co-ordinator in relation to the attendance of interested parties at speed watchs, Council also requested Clerk to make contact with the Clerk of a neighbouring Parish whom had previously shown interest.

Information produced by Gedney Hills’ Speedwatch co-ordinator was circulated amongst the meeting (please see separate sheets). After discussion, Council resolved for Clerk to contact LRSP and enquire as to next steps from the data collected.

Clerk advised the Council and Community Speedwatch co-ordinator that concerns relating to drivers behaviour (an incident had occurred with inappropriate actions) should be noted with the registration and the Clerk would pass details to the local Policing Team, who would, if appropriate, contact the drivers and discuss.

9. To update on Litter Pick and advise next date

The Chairman thanked all those who attended and informed the meeting that nine bags had been collected in total. Clerk advised arrangements had been made for their collection.

Council resolved to carry out bi-monthly litter picks with the next date confirmed as Saturday 14th March 2020, 10.30am meeting at the Gedney Hill & District Memorial Hall. Council requested Clerk to notify school of litter pick in addition to advertising on Facebook and the noticeboard.

10. To discuss and resolve on 2020-2021 Budget and Precept proposals

The Chairman advised that the Precept had not been increased in the last 2 years but to fall in line with inflation the Council would need to review a % increase this year. Council reviewed the version 2 Budget and Precept proposals for 2020/21 and resolved to accept (precept set at £6300.00). Clerk to complete the required documentation.

The Chairman advised this to incur an annual increase of £1.27 for Council Tax band D properties in the Parish.

11. Internal Auditor

a. To discuss and resolve on Internal Auditor checklist

b. To appoint an Internal Auditor

Council resolved to move the decision on the internal auditor checklist and appointment to the next meeting. Cllr James raised concerns with the current auditor auditing her own work, Clerk advised this not be the case as an internal auditor checks a many number of things including the accounts but a Parish Councils accounts are not usually checked separately. The external auditor would check the internal auditors work should the Parish Council decide. Council requested this be confirmed with LALC. Clerk to confirm with LALC.

12. Clerks report

a. To update on ILCA training

Clerk advised she had almost complete the 1st module of the training and would update Council at the next meeting.

Clerk requested responses from Council to the following correspondence:

  • Lincolnshire Environmental Award 2020 – Council resolved not to enter or nominate at present.
  • LALC Annual Training Scheme – Council resolved not to join training scheme at present.
  • LALC Community Collaboration Project – Council resolved to advise LALC of interest in working with other Local Councils.
  • Hall Hire invoices – after discussion Council resolved to pay Hall hire invoices quarterly.
  • VE Day invitation 8th May 11am & Armed Forces Day Tuesday 23rd June – Council declined invitations.
  • Anti-virus software renewal – Council resolved to pay £39.99 for the annual renewal.
  • LCC – Clerk advised Council that LCC were working to replace the current website and would be offering training in the near future for the new website. Clerk advised the current website would be supported by LCC until 31st March 2020 and be removed on 30th April 2020.
  • Printer issues – Clerk advised Council that printer issues were ongoing. Parishioner offered Council a new printer, Council accepted. Clerk and Parishioner to make arrangements.

13. Financial matters

a. Account balances (account balances as of 31st  December 2019)



Current account

 £   7018.55


Business reserve

 £   1,521.89



Current account

 £   4,111.76

Business reserve

 £      731.74

b. Monies in



Interest (business reserve)

 £        0.50


 £    903.78

Wind Farm Grant

£  3906.00




Interest (business reserve)

 £        0.24

c. Accounts for payment




 Chq No. 




D Leedham


 £ 322.36


M Ford


 £   82.10


M Ford Expenses


 £   18.59


Gedney Hill & District Memorial Hall


 £ 192.00


D Leedham


 £ 322.36


The Royal British Legion


 £   25.00


R Coles


 £ 100.00


M Ford


 £    60.00


M Ford


 £   49.26




 £   91.37



D Leedham


£ 118.80






 Chq No. 




Anglian Water


 £   12.33


Council resolved to pay the above.

d. To discuss payment method for ICO payment

After discussion, Council resolved to continue to pay £40 by cheque.

e. To update on bank signatories mandate amendments

Clerk confirmed that Cllr Venters was now a bank signatory and the Clerk had been removed. Clerk advised that as such she was unable to access account information, including bank account balances and advised Council that a special request could be made to the bank allowing the Clerk such access. Council resolved for Clerk to have access to account information. Clerk to draft letter to bank and circulate amongst and forward to bank.

14. To advise of any items to be added to the next meeting agenda

Council advised the Clerk that the shed in the cemetery was in need of replacing and requested information on larger sheds/prefabricated buildings for the next meeting. Clerk to research and forward information to Council for discussion at the next meeting.

15. To confirm the date of the next meeting

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 16th March 2020, 6.30pm at the Gedney Hill & District Memorial Hall.

16. To resolve on whether to enter to enter into closed session to discuss confidential information.

Council resolved to enter closed session.

Council discussed the email and resolved to discuss in further detail at the next Council meeting.

Council signed cheque 1054 for the service of the mower.

Meeting closed at 8.01pm.