March 2020 Minutes

Gedney Hill Parish Council

Minutes of the Gedney Hill Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 16th March 2020 at the Gedney Hill and District Memorial Hall.


Councillors            P Redgate (Chairman)

                              K James

                              D Mann

                              J Venters

Also present       Cllr N Pepper

                              6 members of the Public

                              Miss D Leedham (Parish Clerk)


Miss D Leedham (Parish Clerk)                  

Chairman’s’ foreword on Covid-19

The Chairman addressed the meeting in relation to his proposed Parish Council response to Covid-19. The Chairman suggested to Council, that working alongside groups within the community the Parish Council would support as many of the vulunerable residents in the Parish as possible. The Chairman would draft a letter and use a red/green card system. Volunteers would be asked to be in regular contact with the vulnerable, ensure food and medication requires could be fed back to the Parish Clerk and the Clerk would co-ordinate relevant collection/deliveries. The Chairman had already spoken with McColl’s who were happy to receive email food orders for collection by volunteers. All information would be held by the Parish Council and destroyed once the situation was resolved. The Council discussed and agreed that the Councils response to Covid-19 would be co-ordinated between The Chairman, Parish Clerk, groups within the community and a team of volunteers.

The Chairman asked all Cllrs and meeting attendees to be vigilant, check on friends/neighbours.

Council discussed and agreed to move non-essential items from the following meeting to the next meeting on Monday 20th May 2020, 6.30pm.

Public Forum

A Parishioner passed details of Gedney Hill Community Groups application to LCC for planters to the Clerk.

1. Apologies for absence and acceptance

Cllr Seymour

Cllr I Coles

2. Declarations of interests under the Localism Act 2011 and consideration of any requests for dispensation


3. To approve the draft notes of the meeting held on 20th January 2020

Council reviewed draft notes from the meeting held on Monday 20thJanuary and agreed the notes represented a true record of the meeting, the Chairman duly signed

4. Matters arising

a. Review the following

Documents, Policies and Procedures

To approve the latest version of the Risk Assessment

Cllr James advised he was not happy to sign the document off, no further discussions occurred.

To discuss requirements for the potential purchase and installation of a shed

Council agreed to move to the next Parish Council meeting.

5. Police matters

Clerk advised no Parish specific report had been forwarded by the police however they had made the Clerk aware that thefts from Farm buildings had occurred North of Spalding.

6. Highways matters

a. To update on proposed meeting with Senior Highway Officer

Cllr Mann gave a brief overview of the meeting with the Highways officer and further details would be given at the next Parish Council meeting.

To update on request 357629 to move the road markings outside the school to better reflect the current school entrance

To update on resubmitted request 353544

To update on request concerns with ‘cats eyes’ on Lincoln Avenue - 4142323

To update on the requested additional Pride Team visit

Clerk noted the Pride Team visit had visited and the works were complete.

c. To update on litter bin Hillgate

Clerk noted the bin has been installed and concerns had been raised with its location, this has been raised with SHDC who advised the location is as per McColl’s request. SHDC are looking into moving the bin.

7. Planning

a. To discuss current planning applications

The following applications were approved:

The Barn, West Drove South, Gedney Hill, PE12 0PL – Proposed barn conversion (H07-1217-19)

Off West Drove South, Gedney Hill, PE12 OPN – Residential development (single plot) (H07-1213-19)

Off Highstock Lane, Gedney Hill, PE12 0QG – Residential development – erection of 3 dwellings (amendment to H07-1178-18) (H07-1123-19)

Hillside, 41 Station Road, Gedney Hill, PE12 0NP – Proposed fishing lake for private use (H07-1022-19).

West Drove South, Gedney Hill, PE12 0PN – Erection of detached dwelling and garage (retrospective) (H07-0974-19)

The following applications were refused:

Adjacent 22 Station Road, Gedney Hill, PE12 0NP – Erection of detached dwelling (H07-1155-19).

The following applications are undecided:

1 Sycamore View, Gedney Hill, PE12 0NQ – Conversion of garage to residential – re-submission of H07-0885-19 (H07-0068-20)

84 Highstock Lane, Gedney Hill, PE12 0QQ – Single storey extension to front comprising shower room and lobby (H07-0049-20)

Off Highstock Lane, Gedney Hill, PE12 0QG - erection of 9 dwellings with associated access – approved under H07-1178-18, modification of condition 2 to allow amendments to previously approved plans (H07-0015-20).

19a Station Road, Gedney Hill, PE12 0NP – Conversion and extension of double garage to form annex (H07-0601-19).

The following applications require comments:

Millfield Nurseries, Mill Lane, Gedney Hill, PE12 0PW – residential development, 2 plots (H07-0177-20)

32 Hillgate, Gedney Hill, PE12 0NN – Erection of double garage/store/shed – dwelling approved under H07-1162-17 (H07-1040-19)

Condition compliance approved:

West Drove South, Gedney Hill, PE12 0PN – Details of Contamination Report and Archaeological Report (Condition 5&6 of H07-0622-17) (H07-0002-20)

West Drove South, Gedney Hill, PE12 0PN – Details of final Archaeological Report (Condition 6 of H07-0817-19) (H07-1132-19)

West Drove South, Gedney Hill, PE12 0PN – Percolation details (Condition 4 of H07-0817-19) (H07-1103-19)

Land east of Hillgate, Gedney Hill, PE12 0NN – details of landscaping, boundary treatment, access road materials & archaeology investigation (Conditions 3, 4, 5 & 8 of H07-0922-19)

Condition compliance undecided:

Off Highstock Lane, Gedney Hill, PE12 0QG – Erection of 9 dwellings with associated access – approved under H07-1178-18. Modification of Condition 2 to allow amendments to previously approved plans (H07-0015-20)

Council agreed to discuss planning applications during the closed session at the end of the meeting.

8. CSW

a. To receive a report on Community Speed Watch (CSW) activity

The Clerk noted the 30mph check speed sign on Mill Lane had been replaced and the Council had one remaining sign.

b. Procedural changes to CSW

The Council discussed and agreed to suspend CSW activity. Council moved discussions on additional HiVis purchases to the next Parish Council meeting.

c. To update on next steps from LRSP

Clerk advised information passed to LRSP is forwarded to the local Policing team and LRSP have also forwarded to LCC Highways to look into traffic calming measures. Clerk notes that all upcoming sessions are also forwarded to the Local Policing team with an invitation to attend.

d. To update on contact with Area Coordinator

Moved to next meeting.

e. To update on contact with other local Parishes

Moved to next meeting.

9. To update on Litter Pick and advise next date

The Chairman thanked all those who attended. The Clerk advised collection of the bags had been arranged (SHC-912589). Council discussed and agreed to suspend activity.

10. To update on the removal of the mound and the installation of additional CCTV cameras

Cllr James raised concerns with the increase cost of the CCTV installation. Clerk to forward original and revised quotes to Council.

Clerk noted the letter of engagement had already been issued in January for removal of the mound and would chase for works date.

Clerk enquired whether Councillors would be available to oversee the installation, Councillors to email Clerk with confirmation.

11. To discuss future use of the Pavilion

The Chairman advised he had asked Council to think about alternative uses for the Sports Pavilion. Ideas included meeting rooms and parties. Further discussions to occur at the next meeting. Cllr James noted that wiring checks were required and Council agreed for Clerk to obtain quotes.

12. To discuss ways to support the Parish

Please see Chairman’s’ foreword on Covid-19.

13. Correspondence

a. Hall hire fees (circulated)

Clerk advised Council of increase in Hall hire fees, which were circulated prior to the meeting. Council discussed and raised concerns with lack of notice.

b. Valuation Office Agency

Clerk advised letter had been received and dealt with.

c. LALC Annual Subscription (circulated)

Council agreed to move discussions to closed session.

d. Grass/Hedge cutting quote (circulated)

Council discussed and agreed quote.

e. Invitation to LALC Event (circulated) – postponed.

Clerk advised the event had been postponed.

f. Pest Control quote (circulated)

Council discussed and agreed for pest control to remain on an adhoc basis.

14. Clerks report

a. Dog fouling concerns

Clerk advised dog fouling concerns along Mill Lane had been reported to SHDC Dog Warden.

b. APM

Moved to next meeting.

15. Financial matters

The Clerk read through the following:

a. Account balances (account balances as of 20th January 2020)



Current account

 £   5468.98


Business reserve

 £   1522.16



Current account

 £   3986.86

Business reserve

 £     731.87

b. Monies in



Interest (business reserve)

 £        0.53




Interest (business reserve)

 £        0.13

c. Accounts for payment





 Chq No. 





Gary Lilley


 £      83.00






 £      40.00




D Leedham


 £    322.36




M Ford


 £      61.58




D Leedham


 £      39.99

 £   6.67

 £   33.32


D Leedham


 £    322.36




M Ford


 £      41.05













Chq No. 





TA Blackamore


 £     1,128.00

 £        188.00

 £        940.00



 £          62.95









*Cllr James advised the dehumidifier had now been switched off the situation would be monitored.

d. Petty cash process evaluation

Moved to next meeting.

16. To advise of any items to be added to the next meeting agenda

No items were raised.

17. To resolve on whether to Council should move to closed session to discuss the following agenda items:

Council resolved to go into closed session to discuss the following.

a. Internal Auditor

To discuss and resolve on Internal Auditor checklist

Council resolved for Clerk to contact LALC and nearby Parish Clerks.

To appoint an Internal Auditor

Council did not appoint an internal auditor.

b. LALC Annual Subscription (circulated)

Council resolved to accept Annual Subscription.

c. Planning

H07-0177-20 no objections.

H07-1040-19 no objections.

18. To confirm the date of the next meeting

The next meeting is Monday 18th May 2020, 6.30pm for APM followed by the APCM this is subject to guidance from NALC and central Government.

Meeting closed at 8.20pm.